Mark making - part 6 - bringing a design to life

I think this is the final part to this, although if anything else pops up over the coming days/weeks I will be sure to upload.   

I wanted to link a blog back to a past post of my mark making series, when I was making marks with charcoal.

Using fills, layers and opacity on photoshop can really bring a sketch, scribble or even a photograph to life.  If you take the time to learn the capabilities of the adobe creative suite software, you will be able to bring an whole sketch book of doodles into the world of fashion and art.  In the designs below I have took something that was completely mediocre and uninteresting, into something that with extra work could become textile worthy.  

Maybe with a neutral colour palette and creating a new repeat with a segment of the design?  Honestly, along with learning the skills in regards to the functionality of photoshop you will need to develop a good eye for editing and capturing great parts of a design that doesn't work as a whole.

Don't let things go to waste. save and salvage later! 

Never ever delete permanently - you'll regret it.  
